A Bulgarian delegation took part in the third international investment forum under the Gazelle project

A Bulgarian delegation took part in the third international investment forum under the "Gazelle" project

The third international investment forum under the project "Gazelle - Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential" was held in the city of Athens, Greece on 17.06.2022. A Bulgarian delegation also took part in it. Presentations of their innovative businesses and projects were made by 3 Bulgarian companies – Renerco OOD, Cardinal Bytes and Hot Pharm. The event was attended by innovative businesses, business angels, investors, technology transfer centers and other interested parties from Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia and Bulgaria. 

The activities under the project "Gazelle - Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential" are financed under the INTERREG VB Balkans-Mediterranean 2014-2020 program. 

You can read more about the project here.

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