Entrepreneurs from Italy share experience and knowledge

Those planning to start their own business or already having one (active for less than three years) can consider staying abroad and gain valuable knowledge from an experienced entrepreneur.

The Erasmus Young Entrepreneurs Program provides assistance to European entrepreneurs to acquire the necessary skills to start and/or successfully manage a small business in Europe.

Entrepreneurs from Italy share experience and knowledge

The program provides:

  • On-the-job training in small and medium-sized enterprises abroad - funded stay from 1 to 6 months
  • Facilitated successful launch of your business or strengthening of your new venture
  • Access to new markets, international cooperation and potential opportunities for cooperation with business partners abroad

This week, BCCI presents exchange opportunities in Italy with the following host hosts:

Anyone interested in exchanging experiences and ideas with any of the listed entrepreneurs can contact the Chamber. BTPP is an intermediary organization under the program and provides assistance to new entrepreneurs with guidance and recommendations throughout the entire process – application, partner selection, financing, participation, reporting.

If you are interested in participating in the program, have additional questions or more proposals for exchange, contact: Directorate "International Cooperation and International Organizations", Gabriela Dimitrova, tel.: 02 8117 489, e-mail: interdpt@bcci.bg; Miroslava Markova, phone: 02 8117 494, e-mail: m.markova@bcci.bg

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