
"Nayden Kirov" plant presents a European project to increase its energy efficiency

On March 22, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. at the "Nayden Kirov" AD plant (38 Lipnik Blvd.), an information day regarding the implementation of the signed contract will be held.

The project is related to the purchase, commissioning and replacement of old production equipment with new equipment:

  • Syringe machines - a total of 15 pcs.
  • Automated system for monitoring and controlling energy consumption - 1 pc.
  • Construction contract for the construction of a waste heat recovery system - 1 pc.
  • ISO 50001 energy management system.

The equipment will be purchased with funds under the scheme "Improving energy efficiency in large enterprises" through the European Fund for Regional Development under the Operational Program "Innovations and Competitiveness" 2014-2020, such as:

  • the total amount of the investment is BGN 2,822,463.24, of which
  • BGN 1,411,231.61 grant from the Operational Program "Innovations and Competitiveness"
  • 2014-2020 (BGN 1,199,546.87 European and BGN 211,684.74 national co-financing) and
  • BGN 1,411,231.63 own co-financing.

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