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Presentation of Tunisia's economy and investment environment, February 27, 2019, Sofia

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of Tunisia in Belgrade, accredited for Bulgaria, are organizing a Presentation of Tunisia's economy and investment environment on February 27 /Wednesday/ 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 9 Iskar St., Sofia 1058.

The event is the result of the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, Khemayes Jhinaoui, which took place in the fall of last year in Sofia and a meeting with the management of the BTPP.

In view of the priority areas in the development of bilateral cooperation between Bulgaria and Tunisia, discussed during the meeting, BCCI invites companies working in the following sectors: construction, information technology, agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, engineering, tourism, trade and others.

To confirm attendance: completed registration form to e-mail: interdpt@bcci.bg until February 25 /Monday/ 2019 or here.

Working language of the event: English.

For additional information: Directorate of International Cooperation and International Organizations, tel.: 02 8117 489, 02 8117 494.

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