RESTART - Digital training toolbox to foster EU’s Industry 4.0 revolution
- Human resources development
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- Business digitalization
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- Digital modeling and digital fabrication

ID: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038446
Duration: 20 October, 2017 – 20 October, 2019
The main goal of the RESTART project is to qualify new professionals capable of supporting the digital transformation of European companies using the advantages offered by Industry 4.0 technology. It works to improve and expand the provision of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual less experienced or low-skilled adults.
RESTART: Digital Training Toolbox to Foster EU'S IndusTry 4.0 RevoluTion is a two-year project co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It is implemented by eight organizations representing six EU countries - Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Great Britain, Italy and Malta.
The main goal of the RESTART project is to qualify new professionals capable of supporting the digital transformation of European companies using the advantages offered by Industry 4.0 technology. It works to improve and expand the provision of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual less experienced or low-skilled adults.
Project Objectives:
- Promoting VET initiatives related to digital skills targeting the self-employed, entrepreneurs and workers through mixed partnerships involving both training providers and industries, chambers of commerce, trade associations;
- The design of training courses for the updating and retraining of workers from the industrial sector, focused on the acquisition of digital skills necessary for the development of Industry 4.0;
- Providing e-leadership skills to students, workers and managers that will lead to better employment and career opportunities and make companies more competitive and innovative;
- Promoting the recognition in all EU countries of ICT and e-leadership skills applied to the traditional industrial sector through the use of ECVET.
Also visit the official website of the project here. You can get free access to the training by registering for it on the RTIK training platform from here. In case you want to know more about the project, please contact Ayri Memishev For more information.