- European Union's Phare Programme
Support for The Promotion of The Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in Bulgaria
- Green and circular economy

Duration: November 1, 2006 – May 1, 2008
Project objective: To raise the capacity of civil society to actively contribute to the EU accession process and the implementation of the Acquis Communautaire and Bulgarian Legislation, related to environmental management, through the support of governmental initiatives; to build the capacity of NGOs, SMEs and Local Authorities for the effective EMAS implementation, as well as raising the awareness of public and private sectors about the importance and the benefits of EU voluntary instruments for environmental management (EMAS) in Bulgaria.
Location: Ruse, Bulgaria
Strengthen capacity of civil society through 4 workshops (2 for SMEs and 2 for the local authorities); an official website for EMAS created; wide media campaign, survey and analysis of the needs of the stakeholders.
Project partner(s):
- Time Foundation (Lead Partner)
- Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria, Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Regional Association of Municipalities "Central Stara Planina", "Green Burgas" Foundation.
Project Donor(s): EU PHARE Programme BG 2004/016-711.01.01 Civil Society Development