
RTIK organizes an essay contest on the occasion of its 130th anniversary

RTIK organizes an essay contest on the occasion of its 130th anniversary

RTIK will celebrate its 130th anniversary in an unconventional way. This year, the Chamber will try to engage younger Russians by provoking their creative and visionary thinking.

The essay contest with a set beginning is aimed at all students and young people up to 21 years of age who feel involved with the present and future of the city of Ruse and have ideas for its development.

"The year is 2040. The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry is preparing to celebrate its 150th anniversary. But Rousse is not the same - in two decades many things have changed..."

How would you proceed? You can tell us how, in your opinion, Rousse has changed over the years, what is your personal contribution or that of the Chamber to the change, how RTIK will celebrate its anniversary, or how you imagine the future. Give free rein to your imagination and creativity, be original and use your sense of humor!

We will be expecting your original ideas in the form of a short essay with a recommended length of 250-300 words. Send the works to the address info@rcci.bg, together with your names, age and contact phone number. Deadline: November 22. 

The highest rated will be awarded a cash prize:

  • First place – BGN 500.
  • Second place – BGN 300.
  • Third place – BGN 200.

Additional incentive prizes from the co-organizers will be provided for the participants.

The best works will be included in a special time capsule, which will be sealed and stored in the "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional Library - the building built in 1911 to house the first Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bulgaria. The capsule will be opened 20 years later and the new generation will have the opportunity to read how their parents imagined Ruse 2 decades earlier. And the grown-up young people, for their part, will be able to take stock of the time that has passed.

The initiative is carried out by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the assistance of the Municipality of Ruse, Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov", Regional Department of Education - Ruse, whose representatives will participate in the evaluation jury. For questions or comments about the initiative, you can write to us at info@rcci.bg.

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