
The BCCI organizes an annual meeting with the Offices for Trade and Economic Affairs abroad

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to inform you that following the initiative taken by the Ministry of Economy on August 1 / Thursday / 2019. in Sofia Tech Park (Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. 111 B) between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and 14:00 – 16:00 business meetings will be held between the commercial and economic advisers and representatives of Bulgarian companies, branch organizations, chambers and associations. Interested Bulgarian companies can provide information materials, brochures and presentations during the bilateral meetings.

Companies wishing to participate in the meetings with STIV should send the completed registration card to e-mail: irelations@bcci.bg, by July 18, 2019.

For additional information: International Cooperation and International Organizations Directorate at the BCCI: 02/ 811 74 21 or 02/ 811 74 89.

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