
The government has determined the procedure for receiving compensation from workers in economic activities temporarily closed due to the pandemic

The Government adopted a Decree on determining the terms and conditions for the payment of compensation to those working in economic activities, whose activity has been temporarily suspended by an act of a state body during the period of the state of emergency or an extraordinary epidemic situation. Workers and employees will have the right to receive financial support for no more than 60 days in which they used unpaid leave in connection with the restrictions imposed to carry out the activity for which they were hired. For those working an 8-hour workday, stipulated in their basic employment contract, the compensation will be BGN 24 for each day they are on unpaid leave. In cases of part-time work, the amount of compensation will be determined in proportion to the agreed working hours in the employment contract.

The financial means necessary for the payment of the compensations will be provided by the Operational Program "Development of Human Resources" through the financial mechanism REACT-EU, with the determined budget amounting to BGN 50 million. The specific economic sectors will be determined by order of the Minister of labor and social policy.

Employers are obliged to keep employees employed for a period equal to that during which compensations are paid. They must inform the workers about the possibilities of receiving funds under the government decree. Those who wish to receive this financial support need to provide the employer with a written declaration on a model, in which they indicate the period of unpaid leave and their bank account, to which the compensations will be paid.

The employer or his authorized representative will submit documents for the payment of compensation to the "Labor Bureau" directorate at the place of work. Documents will be considered within 10 working days of their receipt. The Employment Agency will publish on its website information about employers and the number of their workers and employees who are approved or not approved for the payment of funds up to 2 working days after the decision to do so. Compensation will be paid within 5 working days after the application is approved. Workers and employees who are on unpaid leave and are employed by employers, local individuals or legal entities, as well as foreign legal entities that carry out economic activity in Bulgaria will be able to apply for compensation payments in order to preserve employment and income.

At today's government meeting, an amendment to PMS No. 31 of 2016 was also adopted to approve uniform cost standards for financing state cultural institutes carrying out activities in the field of performing arts.

The adopted Resolution aims to create a financing mechanism for state cultural institutes in the conditions of restrictions on their activity due to the introduced anti-epidemic measures, which will ensure their financial stability. The wages of their employees will be guaranteed, starting from November 1, 2020, and the necessary conditions will be created for the continuation of their creative activity and the distribution of created cultural products.

Source: BCCI

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