VITTE Automotive Bulgaria with strict measures for adaptation to the crisis situation
VITTE Automotive Bulgaria, one of the largest companies in our country in the automotive sector and a member of RTIK, distinguished itself with all preventive measures in the emergency situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Already at the beginning of February, the largest employer in Ruse took measures by purchasing the first antibacterial gels. In addition to the planned purchase for the next 2 months, they are located at over 150 points in the plant. Disinfectant kits are provided to clean production equipment and surfaces in each office. Disposable and reusable masks have been purchased for each of the 920 employees. Temperature measurement was introduced twice a day - upon entry to work, as well as during work, to exclude possible cases of sick people entering the company. For visitors to the plant, extraordinary preventive measures have been implemented, such as filling in a questionnaire, mandatory presence of a mask and measuring the temperature at the entrance. For the logistics offices and checkpoints, protective screens have been built to isolate them from contact.

In company canteens, food is served in disposable boxes, along with disposable cutlery and cups. The tables are separated by one chair each and at a distance of 1.5 m. The staff is divided into small groups. Company transport is disinfected between shift changes, with all drivers wearing protective masks, as well as traveling staff. The company conducts regular global disinfection of the plant. In addition, a medical person is available at the plant every day. Since the beginning of March, an operational headquarters has been formed, which monitors the situation every day and takes measures according to the change in the epidemic situation and adapts the preventive measures.

The production work is organized in groups, which allows each of the groups to be isolated (stay at home) for a minimum of 14 days. Work from home has been introduced for the administration, and there is always a representative from the relevant department in the company.
The company has coordinated all measures with the experience of its colleagues at the Group's Chinese plant, and all measures taken in China to combat the spread of the infection have also been implemented at the Bulgarian plant.

Despite the shutdowns of most car manufacturers in Europe and reduced orders, VITTE Automotive Bulgaria continues to do everything possible to adapt to the difficult situation, paying maximum attention to the security and safety of its highly qualified workers and employees. The company will do its best to keep its employees, applying all the measures proposed by the state authorities in the state of emergency.
"It is precisely in difficult times that one understands how much an employer values and cares for its employees. None of our employees and workers should worry about being left without a salary or a job," commented Dr. Hristo Hristov, Company Manager.