BCCI launches EnergyEfficiency4SMEs project: Promoting sustainable growth in key sectors
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) launched the project EnergyEfficiency4SMEs at the beginning of this year, focusing on promoting energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in four key sectors: food processing, metal manufacturing, restaurants and hotels.
As part of the project EnergyEfficiency4SMEs, BCCI conducts the following activities:
- Carrying out partial energy audits of SMEs: These audits will be carried out at the expense of the project, with no financial burden imposed on the participating SMEs.
- Developing recommendations to improve energy efficiency: The project aims to develop practical, actionable guidelines for SMEs to increase their energy efficiency and overall sustainability.
BCCI will prioritize 20 SMEs to participate in the energy studies and receive personalized recommendations to increase their energy efficiency.
If your business is part of the target sectors and you are interested in participating in this initiative, please complete the survey provided in the link below. The survey only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete and covers topics such as energy efficient measures, energy savings, equipment replacement and energy optimization.
The EnergyEfficiency4SMEs is financed under the LIFE program, with EUROPALATES being the leading partner. The project consortium consists of 24 chambers of commerce and energy agencies from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Malta and France.
For further information, please contact the Directorate "European Integration and Projects" at the BCCI on phone +35928117556 or email at projects2@bcci.bg.
The EnergyEfficiency4SMEs offers a fantastic opportunity for SMEs in the food processing, metalworking, restaurant and hospitality sectors to improve their energy efficiency and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Don't miss this opportunity - fill out the survey today!