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Credit "New Start" - a BDB program to support small, medium, start-up and social enterprises

More about the program

BDB Microfinance presents a new program to support small, medium, start-up and social enterprises - New Beginning credit. It is implemented in partnership with the Fund of Funds and aims to promote entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups. The program will enable companies to use a credit resource under reduced conditions and interest rates, 25% lower than the standard for the financial institution. The resource is under the Operational Program "Human Resources Development 2014-2020" (HRDP), co-financed with funds from the European Social Fund.

Loans up to EUR 50,000
Repayment term up to 5 years
25% lower interest rates
BGN 5 million volume of the program

Funding Objectives

The program aims to improve access to financing for social enterprises, companies and self-employed persons, whose owners are representatives of vulnerable groups - unemployed, youth, people with disabilities (so-called businesses with a mission).

Through it, tangible assets can be acquired for the development or expansion of the enterprise's activities, as well as funds for working expenses and other expenses related to business activity.

The new BDB Microfinance product was created for this specific segment of the country's economy, which usually remains out of sight of commercial banks and general measures and programs.

For more information: +359 2 930 6247

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