The revenues of Bulgarian companies are increasing on record in 2022.

The revenues of Bulgarian companies are increasing on record in 2022.

According to the latest data from The National Revenue Agency (NAA), the revenues of all operating companies in Bulgaria for 2022 are jumped with the unexpected 34% to BGN 611.5 billion. This means that despite the higher starting base, the growth is more than double that of last year's 15%.

A total of 375,000 companies in the country, active in 2022, have achieved this result. The leading 100 companies ranked by "Capital" report close twice as fast growth of turnover for the year – almost 60%. In nominal terms, their total revenue forms more than a fifth of the total reported in the state. Their total profit for 2022 is almost BGN 8 billion, which is with 27% more compared to their financial results of the previous year.

The hotel and restaurant sectors, as well as agriculture, have the fastest growth in profits in 2022, while the deepening of losses in the extractive industry is the greatest.

Profit in the trade sector continues to lead for another year, with a significant growth from 28% in 2022 to BGN 10.7 billion. The processing industry follows with the profit value of BGN 8.8 billion, recording an increase from 36%. Energy is in third place with a total profit of BGN 4.7 billion for 2022, which is 33% more compared to the previous year.

At the same time, the data show that manufacturing is the sector with the biggest losses in 2022, with a negative financial result of BGN 748 million. The real estate sector saw losses decrease by BGN 223 million within a year, while the finance and insurance sector recorded a total loss of BGN 735 million for the year.

This data provides a detailed overview of the corporate situation in Bulgaria in 2022, highlighting the significant growth and challenges faced by different sectors of the economy.

To read the article on which the analysis was based, click here. Author: Maria Ivanova, Capital newspaper.

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