RTIK invites participation in the professional exchange visit to Norway

RTIK invites participation in the professional exchange visit to Norway

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes a professional exchange visit to Norway in the period June 19-23, 2023, aimed at sharing good practices between business representatives from Bulgaria and Norway. The visit will give Bulgarian small and medium-sized enterprises and their employees the opportunity to expand their contact networks, to see first-hand the use of innovative business solutions in real conditions, as well as to discuss their possible implementation in their current field of activity.

The purpose of the exchange is to provide an opportunity to explore the innovative practices of Norwegian companies in the field of green innovation and circular economy located in the cities of Steinherr, Verdal and Trondheim. The visit will provide first-hand experience of their innovative approaches and inspire a deeper understanding of sustainability.

The tentative list of Norwegian companies to be visited includes:

  1. Innherred Renoasjon: a company active in the circular economy and recycling with a commitment to sustainability and diverse initiatives aimed at creating a greener and more conscious future.
  2. Ecopro: a company that, through their innovative gas creation processes, turns waste into a valuable resource to contribute to a greener and more efficient energy landscape.
  3. Skogn Retura IR: a company implementing sustainable wood recycling practices, minimizing environmental impact and promoting a circular approach to wood use.
  4. Livid: a sustainable fashion company using innovative methods to both source materials and reduce waste from the production process.

If you are a representative of a small and medium-sized enterprise and are interested in participating in the visit, please send us a completed participation form located at this address no later than 01.06.2023 at 5:00 p.m. After consideration of the applications, the total number of participants that will be admitted to participate is 5.

The expenses for the travel and accommodation of the participants will be covered by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is a mandatory condition for the participants who submit a request to participate in the visit to have a valid foreign travel passport.

For more information regarding the organization of the visit, you can contact Irena Ivanova via the following email: ivanova@rcci.bg or by phone: +359 82 825875

The visit is organized as part of the "Green Change Agents" project, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, in partnership with Prios Kompetans, Norway.

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