
Business delegation to Namibia, Mozambique and Kenya, January 21-26, 2019

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is investigating the interest of business in participating in a delegation to Namibia, Mozambique and Kenya, which would accompany the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Ekaterina Zaharieva, during her official visit to African countries in period 21 - 26 January 2019

The above African countries are characterized by the following features:

The mining, agriculture and tourism sectors account for the largest share in Namibia's economy. The country has a highly developed banking sector. The interest of the business circles in Bulgaria towards the Namibian market is gradually growing, especially with the revealed opportunities for the export of copper ores and their concentrates.

In recent years, Mozambique has seen extensive reform, which is at the heart of the country's economic growth. Prospective groups of goods for export to the African country are: refrigerators, freezers, conservators, etc., ready and canned foods, plastic pipes and hoses.

Kenya is among the developed economies in the East African Community and is a center for financial, communication and transport services. Kenya's advantages include its good geographical location, liberal economy and well-developed private sector. The main industries include: agriculture, forestry and fisheries, mining, manufacturing, energy, tourism and financial services. The Kenyan government is undertaking a number of regulatory reforms to encourage foreign investment.

Those interested can confirm their participation by December 20, 2018 /Thursday/ by e-mail: m.markova@bcci.bg. BCCI will provide additional information on the financial conditions for participation and the program of the visit.

In case of additional questions: Directorate "International Cooperation and International Organizations", tel.: 02 8117 494, 8117 489.

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