- European Union's Phare Programme
Establishment of Regional Centre for Vocational Training of Employees for The Apparel and Leather Industry
- Human resources development

Duration: 1 December, 2006 – 31 March, 2008
Project objective:
The objective of the project is establishment of Regional centre for vocational training of employees of apparel and leather industries in Ruse, licenced for 15 professions and specialities in both branches, which will service the companies in North Central Planning Region and the neighboring districts Silistra and Razgrad.
Location: Ruse, Bulgaria
- Institutional development of the VET center;
- Coordination of renovation works, specifications and procurement of the main machines and technology lines for equipping the Centre.
Project partner(s):
- The Professional High School for Clothing “Nedka Ivan Lazarova” - Ruse (leading partner)
- RCCI, NCVT, Branch Union of Light Industry Producers – Ruse, Branch Union of Leather and Leather Goods Leather Footwear Industry - Bulgaria
Project Donor(s):
Ministry of Labor and Social Policy