RTIK has started work on a new project to transform secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity

In the context of ongoing socio-economic changes, transversal skills such as entrepreneurship are essential not only to shape the attitudes of young people, but also to provide competences that are fundamental to the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Europe.
RTIK is part of a project School Starters' Hub, funded by the EU Erasmus+ program, whose main objective is to introduce a new approach, perspective and methodology for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial skills among students by developing school centers that successfully connect schools with local communities to enable for students to communicate and collaborate with local businesses and stakeholders.
Due to the complicated epidemiological situation, the first project meeting took place online on 14.12.2020, where important aspects of the implementation of the project activities were discussed, as well as its main goals.
Project "School Starters' Hub: Transforming secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity" is funded by the EU Erasmus+ program and implemented in partnership with 5 other European organizations: POLITEKNIKA IKASTEGIA TXORIERRI - Spain, IDEC - Greece, Emphasys - Cyprus , European Digital Learning Network - Italy, and PLATON - Greece.