Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry started work on the EYES project

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry started work on a project EYES - Enlarging Youth Entrepreneurial Spirit, with number 2019-1-FR01-KA202-062219, financed under the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and implemented for a period of 36 months, together with 6 other European organizations from the countries of France, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Belgium.
Entrepreneurship is an important topic these days, but one that is rarely covered in school education. It is for this reason that the EYES Project Consortium will pool its knowledge, competences and expertise to promote the development of a collective entrepreneurial culture and democratic values among young people, providing them with the necessary training and tools to achieve this in the short term.
The project is mainly aimed at the specific target group NEET (young people who are outside the systems of employment, education or training), aiming to support young people to:
- Actively participate in the development of the area in which they are located;
- Get an idea of how a business idea is implemented;
- Acquire knowledge of how to create and manage a collective enterprise;
- Understand the value and importance of teamwork;
- Assess their capacity.
To this end, the project partners will develop a training program based on the principle of "learning by doing" and provide different teaching methods that promote memorization and a take-action approach.