Over 75,000-people-will-keep-their-jobs-according-to-the-measure-60-40-in-January-and-February

Over 75,000 people will keep their jobs under the 60/40 measure in January and February

MTSP: Support for businesses under the 60/40 measure continues in 2022, and for the time being, its effect has been extended until the end of February. The expectations are to keep the jobs of over 75,000 workers and employees on average per month, for which about BGN 120 million will be needed.

New deadlines for receiving applications under the 60-40 measure

New deadlines for receiving applications under the 60/40 measure

The Employment Agency informs employers who wish to receive funds under the 60/40 measure for the months of November and December 2021 and meet the conditions of PMS No. 151/03.07.2020, (amended and supplemented by PMS 322/07.10 .2021) that the deadline for submitting application documents has been extended.

Apply for our accelerator program and accelerate your business growth

Apply for our accelerator program and accelerate your business growth

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry through the association Global Entrepreneurial Monitoring Bulgaria invites innovative SMEs to apply in an open procedure for participation in an accelerator program. A total of 10 innovative businesses with potential for rapid growth will be selected.


Grow with SAP!

Do you want to reduce your IT costs by up to 30% and increase the speed with which your company makes important business decisions? Take advantage of the world's leading ERP solution for medium and large companies - SAP S/4HANA.

12th competition session of the National Innovation Fund

12th competition session of the National Innovation Fund

The National Innovation Fund is again recruiting projects for grant funding. This is the 12th competition session of the fund, which again has a budget of around BGN 5 million. The deadline for applications is September 10, 2021, applications must be submitted electronically with an electronic signature.

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