We present the essay that won third prize in the RTIK competition

We present the essay that won third prize in the RTIK competition

Today our city is a fabulous place to live. It has nothing to do with Ruse from 2020. During these 20 years, its name has grown from Little Vienna to the Danube capital of Bulgaria, which is the work of us - many young active Ruthenians and RTIK. From a port of opportunity, we have transformed the Danube capital into a port of successful business ventures. From a city of free spirit, Ruse became a city of... Guess what? City of the entrepreneurial spirit!

We present the essay that won second prize in the RTIK competition

We present the essay that won second prize in the RTIK competition

I'm thinking... What do I think about the future? It is a change. Chance. New beginning. Inspiration. A game with incomprehensible instructions. Happiness… A collection of a thousand vague things. And that's exactly why it's so tempting to wait with interest. The appearance of the city of Ruse in the future will be completely changed. Things we see in fantasy movies will become reality.

Introducing the RTIK Essay Contest Winner

Introducing the RTIK Essay Contest Winner

I, Arzu Mehmed, am already 36 years old…. I am the general director of the Bulgarian-German corporation "Schiffe der Zukunft" ("Ships of the Future") from the Bulgarian side. Tonight, I am invited to the solemn ceremony of awarding the "Most successful young industrialist of Ruse" award on the occasion of the chamber's 150th anniversary. I am nominated for this high award by the Board of Directors of the "Ships of the Future" corporation at the suggestion of the executive director from the German side, my colleague Hans Schmidt.

The government has determined the procedure for receiving compensation from workers in economic activities temporarily closed due to the pandemic

The government has determined the procedure for receiving compensation from workers in economic activities temporarily closed due to the pandemic

The Government adopted a Decree on determining the terms and conditions for the payment of compensation to those working in economic activities, whose activity has been temporarily suspended by an act of a state body during the period of the state of emergency or an extraordinary epidemic situation. Workers and employees will have the right to receive financial support for no more than 60 days in which they used unpaid leave in connection with the restrictions imposed to carry out the activity for which they were hired.

RDP intake to support short supply chains and local markets has started

RDP intake to support short supply chains and local markets has started

As of November 2, 2020, the 2014-2020 Rural Development Program to support short supply chains and local markets is accepting applications. Sub-measure 16.4 "Support for horizontal and vertical cooperation between actors in the supply chain" is open for application for the second time this year. The total amount of the grant under the procedure is BGN 13,690,600.

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