The chambers of commerce of Ruse and Budapest agreed on new economic opportunities

The chambers of commerce of Ruse and Budapest agreed on new economic opportunities

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to expand its network of business partners and opportunities, after on January 29 the institution signed a memorandum of cooperation with the oldest chamber of commerce in Hungary - the Budapest Chamber, which has a rich 170-year history. The Hungarian organization is also among the initiators of the establishment of the Danube Federation of Chambers of Commerce.

Opportunities and challenges in labor migration were discussed in Ruse

Opportunities and challenges in labor migration were discussed in Ruse

More than 30 participants gathered today (December 13, Friday, 2019) the round table "Migration and Business", organized by Caritas Rousse in the framework of the MIND international initiative "Migration, Interaction, Development". Representatives of various business structures, experts and non-governmental organizations discussed the main challenges facing the opportunities for the realization of labor migrants on the Bulgarian market. Representatives of the Municipality of Ruse and Regional Administration - Ruse also took part in the talks. 

The two oldest chambers of commerce in Bulgaria and Romania are deepening economic cooperation

The two oldest chambers of commerce in Bulgaria and Romania are deepening economic cooperation

Today, November 21, a Memorandum of Cooperation was officially signed in Bucharest between representatives of the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry. On the Bulgarian side, the document was signed by Margarit Vutov, chairman of RTIK, and on the Romanian side - by the chairman of BTIK, Kostika Mustatsa.

RTIK joins the Manager for a Day initiative

RTIK joins the "Manager for a Day" initiative

This year too, the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry is participating in the "Manager for a Day" initiative. In this year's edition, which will be held on November 7, we are expecting applications for the 3 positions announced by us for the position "Manager of International Programs and Projects". For more information: 

RTIK became a co-founder of the international Association of Danube Chambers of Commerce

RTIK became a co-founder of the international Association of Danube Chambers of Commerce

On September 23, the "Danube Chambers of Commerce Association (DCCA)" was officially formed in Bucharest - an event in which there was a pronounced Russian participation. The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry was one of the founders of the Association, which includes organizations from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Milen Dobrev In Bulgaria, more attention is paid to the quantitative, instead of the qualitative dimension of the labor market

Milen Dobrev: In Bulgaria, more attention is paid to the quantitative, instead of the qualitative dimension of the labor market

"Our observations as a business organization do not share this pessimism about a looming crisis, but rather we can talk about a temporary slowdown in growth trends. The NSI data for this year are in line with the seasonal nature of the economy in Bulgaria, and we observe similar results every year." This is what the executive director said on the air of BNT...

Updating the List of Vocational Education and Trained Occupations

Updating the List of Vocational Education and Trained Occupations

The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training publishes questionnaires on fields of education with the aim of updating the professions. The Advisory Council on Vocational Education and Training to the Minister of Education, in which the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCC) has a direct active participation, adopted a decision to optimize and updating the List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training /SPPOO/....

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