
Can we make our region "smart" and how to create a sustainable rural tourism business

Can we make our region "smart" and how to create a sustainable rural tourism business? These are some of the main topics that will be discussed during 2 multiplier events that RTIK organizes within the implementation of the project "INTELLIGENT VILLAGE - development of rural tourism through circular economy and social innovations" ("Smart Village"), financed under the Erasmus + program. During the events, attendees will be introduced to the "INTELLIGENT VILLAGE" concept, the content of the e-learning platform and the learning content available in several languages: English, Bulgarian, Romanian, Italian, French and Greek. There will also be a short demonstration training with a more detailed presentation of one of the developed manuals, namely: Implementation of sustainable rural tourism, including ecological, health and recreational tourism. The multiplier events will take place on 27.09.2022. from 2.00 p.m. in the RTIK hall and on 17.10 from 1.30 p.m. in Pensioners' Club No. 3.

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