14th Annual Investor of the Year Awards

14th Annual Investor of the Year Awards

The Bulgarian Investment Agency (BAI) and the Regional Administration - Ruse inform about the 14th consecutive year of the annual "Investor of the Year" awards.

Traditionally, the competition promotes the contribution of investors to the Bulgarian economy. The awards are given to companies that have taken a significant step in their development through sustainable and efficient investments, created new jobs and committed to the implementation of high technologies, which is in line with Bulgaria's aspiration for smart and sustainable economic growth.

5 Golden Bull statuettes will be awarded in the following categories:

1. "Investor of the Year";

2. "Green investment of the year";

3. "Investment in business expansion";

4. "Investment in innovative business";

5. "Investment in human capital".

Honorary awards - BAI plaques will be awarded to:

1. "Successful Startup";

2. "Municipality in Bulgaria with the most investments";

3. "Significant social investment".

Considering the importance of business for the prosperity and well-being in people's lives and the economic development of the region and the country as a whole, I count on you to provide the necessary assistance by nominating for participation in the competition of BAI companies from the Ruse region with significant investments realized in 2019 in the relevant categories.

You should make your nominations by January 31, 2020 at the following Internet address: https://investbg.government.bg/investor/.

Contact persons at BAI: Mrs. Milena Lozanova, ch. expert, phone (02) 98 555 31


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