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Bilateral business meetings with Slovak companies

The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry are pleased to invite you to bilateral business meetings with Slovak companies, organized jointly with the regional Chamber of Commerce of the city of Turnava, Slovakia and the Embassy of Slovakia in Sofia.

The event will be held in the BCCI building at 9 "Iskar" street, Sofia, 1st floor, hall A, on May 21, 2019 from 10.00 until 1:30 p.m. By schedule!

In addition to the official part, bilateral meetings are planned, and the Slovak delegation will be represented by companies in the following sectors: automotive industry, mechanical engineering, metalworking machines, metrology, paint production, steel concrete pillars, etc.

If interested in participating in the forum, by May 14 /Tuesday/ you can send a completed registration form to e-mail irelations@bcci.bg .

Participation in the meeting is free. Working language – English.

For more information: Directorate "International Cooperation and International Organizations", BTPP, phone: 02/8117 421, 8117 494.

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