RTIK participates in the European Week of Professional Skills

RTIK participates in the European Week of Professional Skills

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry will participate in the pan-European Professional Skills Week with a forum-exhibition aimed at business, local institutions, specialists and all interested parties.

The week (14-18 October 2019) is an initiative of the European Commission, and aims to make vocational education and training (VET) more attractive in support of quality skills and jobs through events taking place across Europe. This year RTIK participates with a forum-exhibition "Professional skills, internship and continuing education", which will include local companies, vocational high schools, centers for continuing professional education, and citizens. 

The main goal is to present the opportunities for professional education, internship, professional qualification and retraining. Particular attention will be paid to graduating pupils and students and their career choices or further studies. The initiative is also a prospect for deepening partnerships between business and educational institutions, and to give impetus to the creation of new ones.  

The forum will also include a discussion on ways to include young people outside the education system and the labor market, presentation of opportunities and good practices in the field of VET, dual education, internships and apprenticeships, and a free program is planned, in which visitors will have the opportunity to establish contact with each other and exchange ideas and experiences.

The co-organizer is "Angel Kanchev" University of Rousse, which is also the host of the event. It will start at 14:00 on October 17, in the Second Building.

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