Project COL-CREATION: The results

Project COL-CREATION: The results

Over the past 30 months, the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in partnership with 5 other partner organizations from Spain, the Netherlands and Austria, has been working on the project "COL-CREATION: Development of a training program to improve cooperation and co-creation in the creative industry", funded from the Erasmus+ program of the EU. The main goal of the project is to increase the competencies of those working in the field of...

RTIK has started work on a new project to transform secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity

RTIK has started work on a new project to transform secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity

In the context of ongoing socio-economic changes, transversal skills such as entrepreneurship are essential not only to shape the attitudes of young people, but also to provide competences that are fundamental to the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Europe.

Final presentation of the PONICS VET project - Hydroponic techniques specialist

Final presentation of the PONICS VET project - "Hydroponic techniques specialist"

On 27.03.2020 Inobridge Business Innovation Center, in partnership with the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, made a final presentation of the PONICS VET project - "Hydroponic Techniques Specialist", financed under the Erasmus+ program of the EU. On 27.03.2020 Innobridge Business Innovation Center, in partnership with the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, made a final presentation of the PONICS VET project - "Hydroponic techniques specialist", financed under the program...

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry works on a social initiative supporting children and youth with autism

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry works on a social initiative supporting children and youth with autism

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry has started work on a new social initiative, which aims to support children and young people with autism. The initiative is implemented thanks to the project "ACTIvE - support for children with autism to gain independence", financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU.

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry started work on the EYES project

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry started work on the EYES project

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry started work on the project EYES - Enlarging Youth Entrepreneurial Spirit, with number 2019-1-FR01-KA202-062219, financed under the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and implemented for a period of 36 months, together with 6 other European organizations from France, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Belgium. Entrepreneurship is an important topic these days, but little is covered in…

What are the benefits of sustainability reporting?

What are the benefits of sustainability reporting?

In the past, both large and small and medium-sized enterprises have often ignored environmental issues and their footprint. In recent years, sustainability reporting has received increasing attention and plays a crucial role in the SME sector, thus contributing to sustainable development by applying innovative practices to create original products and services.

Presentation of Report-ASAP project - acquiring sustainable practices for sustainability reporting

Presentation of Report-ASAP project - acquiring sustainable practices for sustainability reporting

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes a conference on the Report-ASAP (Adoption of Sustainable Accounting Practices) project, financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, on the topic "Corporate social responsibility - an innovative approach for sustainable business". During the event, the main goals of the project, the results achieved so far, as well as topics and good practices in the field of sustainable reporting will be presented.

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