
Presentation of Report-ASAP project - acquiring sustainable practices for sustainability reporting

Submit Project Report ASAP acquisition of sustainable practices for sustainability report 1

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes a project conference Report-ASAP (Adoption of Sustainable Accounting Practices), funded by the EU's Erasmus+ program on the topic "Corporate social responsibility - an innovative approach for sustainable business". During the event, the main goals of the project, the results achieved so far, as well as topics and good practices in the field of sustainable reporting will be presented.

The companies present at the event will be presented with the opportunity to participate in free training on Corporate Social Responsibility, including topics such as: introduction to sustainability reporting, legal framework and EU directives on sustainability reporting, economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainability reporting , as well as a special module developed to support the creation of a CSR report. The training will also be available online, using a platform specially created for the occasion.

After the presentation of the project, companies and interested parties will have the opportunity to participate in a discussion in which they will be able to get answers to their questions, as well as they will be able to exchange good practices and valuable experience with other representatives of the industry.

The event will be held on April 15, 2019, Monday, from 2:00 p.m. in the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Ruse at 1 "Dobri Nemirov" St.

You can send your participation requests here, and for more information you can contact the project coordinator - Irena Ivanova at the following email address: ivanova@rcci.bg

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