• Bulgaria

Vratsa Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa Logo

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa is established in the autumn of year 1991. In 2001 it is re-registered under the Law on non-profit legal persons in public interest.The Chamber of managed by a Board of Directors consisting of 15 members. The CCI-Vratsa works in close cooperation with local authorities and other non-government organizations as well as with NGOs, CCIs and business support structures from abroad. The structure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, with its regional offices established in the towns of Lom, Berkovitsa, and Botevgrad comprises more than 1000 companies - both private and state owned.


CBC - LABORLAB Development of an integrated and inclusive cross-border labor market

CBC – LABORLAB: Developing an integrated and inclusive labor market at cross-border level

Cross Border Cooperation Audio Travel Guide

Cross Border Cooperation Audio Travel Guide

Program for Cross-border Cooperation INTERREG VA Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020

Danube - I can hear you and I will not forget you, I can see you and I will remember you, I can recreate you and I can understand you

CBC LIVE (Cross Border Cooperation Live Interaction Videoconferencing Network)

CBC LIVE (Cross Border Cooperation Live Interaction Videoconferencing Network)

Fairs for cross-border cooperation - CBC Fairs

Cross Border Cooperation Fairs - CBC Fairs

Concept for innovative online projects - ProConcept

Innovative Online Projects Concept - ProConcept

Cross-Border Research and Statistics Center for Small and Medium Enterprises - RESCENT - SMEs

Cross-Border Research and Statistics Center for Small and Medium Sized Entreprises - RESCENT - SMEs

PHARE CBC Program Logo

Young Entrepreneurs Support for Cross - Border Business Cooperation - YES FOR CBBC

SMEXHIBITION - The network for the promotion of cross-border events

SMEXHIBITION - The network for promoting the cross - border events

A network of regional cross-border information centers

Regional Cross-Border Info Centres Network